Penis lengthening at home: how to enlarge the penis with soda?

how to enlarge your penis with baking soda

The question of how to increase the size of masculinity is on the Internet.

More and more different information on how to do this using regular baking soda without leaving your home. Could it be true, how soda works, how to use it.

You also have the opportunity to see how this organ is enlarged.

What is the effect of baking soda on penis growth?

As practice shows, soda should not act as an independent method for enlarging the male genital organs. It is more of an additional element.

Help.The main feature of baking soda is that it penetrates into body tissues without obstruction, while thinning the blood.

Such features help enlarge the penis due to free blood circulation. This is especially true when doing various exercises full of injuries and blood clots.

Are there contraindications for use?

Each penis enlargement technique has its own contraindications, and soda is no exception. Procedure should be omitted:

  • For men with diabetes, it is definitely not useful here. The reason is a direct effect on blood cells.
  • Presence of malignant tumor. Soda has a thinning effect on the blood, and such an environment is good for multiplying and spreading cancer cells throughout the body.
  • Sensitive skin. When men's skin is not only sensitive, but also dry, soda will cause irritation and inflammation.

Before using baking soda, test on the skin of your hands, if there is no discomfort or irritation 30 minutes after application, the product can be applied to the genitals.

There are also contraindications to taking soda inside. For example, stomach acidity increases, when soda gets into it, peptic ulcers can form. If soda is contraindicated for you, you can try other home methods to enlarge your penis. For example, using herbs.

Instructions for enlarging the penis

You can enlarge members:

  • no surgery;
  • without ointment;
  • without anything.

Now let's talk about baking soda for penis enlargement. It can be used as a bath or to prepare ointments.

Make a tray

soda bath for penis enlargement

To make a soda bath, you need to mix 100 grams of powder in one liter of water. The container must be deep enough for the penis to fit.

  1. A procedure for enlarging the genital organs should not exceed fifteen minutes.
  2. Water should not be drunk either hot or cold, the best option is water temperature equal to body temperature.
  3. Bathing is done daily for three months.
  4. After the procedure, the penis must be rinsed with clean water.

Some sources recommend a penis bath twice a day for fifteen minutes for a month.

The results will be visible if the bath is arranged after a certain exercise.

IMPORTANT!Cannot use soda if at least a little damage, micro scratches are on the genitals. In this case, severe irritation can occur, and a burning sensation will also be felt.


You can prepare an ointment for penis enlargement at home in the following ways:

  1. Baking soda should be mixed with enough water to form a severe consistency.
  2. Water is added very slowly, while future ointments continue to stir.
  3. If the ointment is used alone, it should be rubbed gently into the penis for ten minutes.
  4. Ointment can be applied before exercise, so this procedure will take less than a minute.

To see successful results, rubbing procedure is done several times a day for a month.

Other simple ointments are available as follows:

  1. Add one tablespoon of honey to 25 grams of baking soda.
  2. The ingredients are well blended.
  3. The ointment is rubbed into the penis throughout.
soda ointment for penis enlargement

In general, honey does not affect the size of the genital organs, but will increase sexual desire, and sexual intercourse will last longer. The ointment can be used more than once a day.

Be careful, honey is the strongest allergen, so be sure to test for allergies before use.

After the procedure with baking soda, it is recommended to make a relaxing bath for members with the addition of various ingredients. It can be Peruvian maca, ginseng, ginkgo biloba. Such ingredients not only have a calming effect, but also help increase penis size.

Other application methods

Another fun way to use soda to enlarge your penis is by compressing it:

  1. Prepare the same solution as the bath.
  2. Gauze cloth is dipped into the resulting warm composition.
  3. Place tissue on penis.
  4. Holds no more than 20 minutes.

When a member is aroused, the procedure cannot be performed. If you really want to, then you do not have to touch the head, it is very sensitive, even water with soda can harm it.

After compression, the penis should be washed well with soap and water.

Apply moisturizer as baking soda will dry out your skin. The cream can be replaced with special tools (creams, gels, sprays) to enlarge the penis.

Alternatively, the magnification method can be as follows:

  1. The genitals are completely lubricated with vegetable oil.
  2. Put a little baking soda on top.
  3. Massage gently with a gentle motion, so to speak, rub on the resulting mass.

You can also take baking soda from the mouth. One teaspoon of powder is diluted in a glass of water and drunk after a meal. Some men use milk instead of water.

soda compress for penis enlargement

To say that this method is effective for penis enlargement is difficult, but reviews and photo reports of some craftsmen make you believe it. In addition, this drink will strengthen the immune system. To avoid stomach problems, you can drink soda no more than 14 days.

As you have seen, it is possible to enlarge the penis using folk methods with regular soda. But the results will be more convincing if this technique is combined with exercise, herbal baths, and sprays (gels, creams). And do not forget - good results require time and perseverance and regularly perform certain procedures.